Thought Leadership Content Creation

First we define your personal brand

You may be at the cutting edge of your industry, have multi-sector experience or the makings of a revolutionary product, but if you can’t articulate your USP and categorise your pillars of expertise, potential customers or partners won't understand your value. We help you make sense of it all. Then, we audit your digital profile and recommend improvements - including your Linkedin profile.


Next we build your expertise

Now we've differentiated your most powerful talking points, we use our storytelling skills to transform your expertise into authoritative content, which signals trust with your audience. Typically that includes co-writing articles for the media, writing explainer blogs for your own website, editing white paper reports, ghostwriting a business book or professionally producing your own podcast or video series.


Then we amplify your thought leadership content

This is where we endeavour to get your thought leadership content in the media or onto other influencers' podcasts and channels. Our real-world media experience means we know what journalists, editors and producers are looking for.

thought leadership pillars

Personal branding to define your expertise

Personal branding strategy

  • Define your USP and messaging
  • Develop media worthy story angles
  • Identify your industry talking points
  • Write a professional media bio

Digital profile audit

  • Review search engine results
  • Identify outdated or inconsistent online profiles
  • Optimise your Linkedin profile
  • Review content and SEO of business or personal websites

Content creation to build your expertise

Thought leadership article writing

    • Suggest topical thought leadership articles
    • Pitch and place them in the media
    • Ghost-write, co-write or edit as needed
    • Translate your corporate or academic jargon into accessible information

    Blogs and newsletters

    • We interview your in-house experts to produce valuable advice-articles - no fluff, no AI-generated copy!
    • We write and format newsletters - in natural language - free of marketing jargon
    • Keyword research to identify popular topics

      Website optimisation

      • Improve copy in line with your personal branding strategy
      • Adjust copy in line with keyword optimisation
      • Technical SEO advice including implementing metadata
        • Whitepaper editing

          • Professionally edit part-formed white papers
          • Write main copy for reports from raw research data
          • Provide advise on the strongest takeaways for maximum engagement
            • Linkedin management

              • Optimise your profile so you're found more easily
              • Identify topical industry stories and write intelligent, thoughtful posts
              • Identify and engage with target influencers
              • Promote media coverage we secure for you
                • Media training and messaging 

                  • Online media training sessions with national UK journalists
                  • How the media find guests and what they want from them
                  • Practical exercises to consolidate your talking points
                  • Techniques to handle difficult questions
                    •  Amplify your authority with PR

                      Media coverage

                      • Contributor articles
                      • Comment pieces / Opinion pieces
                      • Profile pieces
                      • Quotes to journalists on topical issues
                      • Q&A interviews
                      • Podcast interviews

                        • Find the top ranking podcasts relevant to your target audience
                        • Secure guest interviews
                        • Help you prepare for the interview with key messages
                        • Create assets such as clips and graphics to promote interview